Community Services

Community Nursing Team
Tel: 0300 125 6789
Community Nurses provide nursing care to housebound patients. Usually patients are referred to the Community Nursing Team by the Doctor, Practice Nurse or Treatment Room.
Adult community NHS health services are provided by Sirona - if you are receiving healthcare services in your home from community teams including District Nurses, Therapists and Support Workers, please use this 24/7 non-emergency Single Point of Access telephone line for any queries, rather than contacting the practice.

Midwifery Team
Tel: 0117 414 5160
The midwife team is based at Cossham Hospital, providing antenatal and postnatal care. Please contact them directly with any queries, using the phone number above, rather than contacting the practice. For new pregnancies, call the booking number on 0117 414 6743.

Health Visitor Team
Tel: St George 0117 961 0881 Lodgeside 0300 125 6110 (based at Speedwell Children's Centre)
Health Visitors offer advice on child care & development and support to families with babies from 14 days old (after discharge from midwifery care) until children commence school. This includes running Baby Clinics - See our Mother and Child section for more information.
You can expect a new birth visit within the first 14 days and any other required follow up will be arranged from this. A 1 year review will be carried out between 9-12 months and a 2 year review between 2-2.5 years.
Health Visitors can help with managing behaviour, advice on stress and postnatal depression, protecting children and supporting families, and provide information about other services and agencies.

Podiatry Service
Tel: 0117 919 0275
A podiatrist provided by the Bristol Podiatry Service regularly visits our St George site to help with all foot problems in patients of any age with complex medical conditions.
You cannot refer yourself to this service but once you are under their care you can contact the booking office on this telephone number if required.