
Configure Appointment Details

Ways To Book An Appointment

  • Online via PATCHS between 7am and 11am (capacity capped)
  • By phone
  • In person

Please attend your appointment on time, if you are late you may not be seen.

If you require an interpreter when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist when booking your appointment who will arrange this for you.

We send SMS (text message) and email appointment reminders where possible - please ensure we have your correct mobile number and/or email details. 

If you choose to opt out of receiving text messages, the opt out will exclude SMS messages for appointment reminders. 

Please do not rely solely on these electronic reminders as service delivery is not guaranteed.

Our Appointment System Explained

We are very lucky to have a wide range of clinicians available at the practice to help you with your needs.  These include GP’s, Physicians Associates, Minor Illness Nurses, Physios, Pharmacists and an extensive Nursing Team.

Our Patient Navigation Team are trained to ask certain questions in order to ensure that you receive the best medical care, from the most suited health professional, at the appropriate time.

Routine GP Appointments – We can offer these up to 2 weeks in advance and they are released daily at 8am.  Once these appointments have been taken, more appointments will be made available the following day.  Routine appointments are often very limited later in the day.

Urgent Care Appointments – We have an Urgent Care Team made up of GPs, Minor Illness Nurses, Physician Associates and Pharmacists who deal with urgent only matters, on the day.

Routine Nurses Appointments – These can be booked up to 6 weeks ahead which can include blood tests, dressings, injections and child immunisations.

Routine Pharmacists Appointments – Our Pharmacy Team deal with medication reviews as well as Long Term Condition Reviews, these can also be booked up to 6 weeks ahead.

Physio Appointments - Our Physio is available for all musculoskeletal problems and is able to carry out joint injections.

Pharmacy First Referrals - Our Patient Navigators can make appointments directly with a Pharmacy of your choice to discuss many minor ailments.


All Patchs requests will be dealt with as quickly as possible in order of urgency on the day

Thank you

Patchs Logo

Consult us online using Patchs

You can use PATCHS to contact us for health advice, condition monitoring, fit notes and appointment bookings.

PATCHS provides lots of benefits including being able to make requests in your own time, avoiding telephone queues and waiting rooms.

PATCHS also helps patients who struggle to contact their GP practice using the telephone or in-person. This includes patients who have hearing or speaking impairments, anxiety, and who speak English as a second language.

Click here to access PATCHS

We will aim to process your request by 6.30pm the following working day and let you know the outcome of your request. If your request is for an appointment this will be assessed by our trained Patient Navigators who will triage your request and book an appropriate appointment.

Please do not telephone the surgery if you have submitted a Patchs consult as there is a risk of duplicating requests and appointments.

If we need more information we may call you to discuss your request.


Home Visits

We encourage patients to attend the surgery where possible however home visits are available if you are housebound or too ill to come to the surgery.  Please contact the surgery and one of our Patient Navigators will book an appointment with a member of our Urgent Care Team who will establish whether a home visit is required.

Please remember that several patients can be seen in the practice in the time that it takes to make one home visit.  There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the Health Centre.

Extended Hours

We support the national drive to improve access to General Practice by providing additional appointments outside of our core opening hours. These appointment are offered with a range of clinicians from routine GP appointments, nurse treatment room and practice pharmacists.

You may be offered an early morning (before 8am) or evening (after 6.30pm). If this is something you would prefer please ask about availability when booking an appointment.

Saturday morning surgeries are held at our St George site, appointments bookable in advance - the practice is not open to other callers and the telephones are unmanned.

a man sitting on a table

Improving Access to General Practice

Please cancel appointments not required

It is important that you inform us if you are unable to attend your appointment, in sufficient time that the appointment can be offered to another patient.  We monitor DNA (Did Not Attend) rates and action may be taken against persistent offenders which may include removal from the practice list.

We recommend registering for Online Access - you can then cancel any booked appointment online, whether you booked it online or not.